Monday, October 23, 2006


The internet has dozens of websites that are set up to "fight CPS." While inflammatory and obviously biased, they insinuate (or flat out declare) that the Adoption Safe Families Act has provided a financial incentive for social workers to "kidnap" children from their families in order to receive adoption bonuses.

While none of us believe these claims, I think it is important for us to take an honest look at ASFA and how it has helped or hindered the adoption process and what positive and negative repercussions have resulted in the passing of this legislation.

How has ASFA helped or hindered children in care? How has it helped our hindered our adoption practice? How has it affected adoptive families?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Homestudy Quality Question

How can we improve the quality of the adoption home studies we do and what would you like to see a home study address? What do you think is missing in the “assessment” piece?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

What do I say to My Children?

What are some good ways to talk about abusive or neglectful birthparents with a child adopted through foster care?